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Environmental Initiatives

The Township of Huron-Kinloss is proud to be an environmental steward and works towards protecting, restoring, conserving and managing our impact on our natural environment.

Press Release - Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Launches 2024 Mapping Resource, September 25, 2024

The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) has launched the 2024 Regulatory Mapping Resource, an online tool providing updated information on SVCA's regulatory maps for natural hazards like floods and shoreline changes. The platform offers approximate map data, which will be refined based on upcoming guidelines. The mapping is meant to guide community members about areas that may require SVCA permission before development, particularly near hazardous zones. Public feedback is encouraged, and an in-person meeting will be held later in 2024.

Visit for up to date information.

Through funding announced in November 2022, the Township of Huron-Kinloss authorized Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority to proceed with a Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program of 6 Watercourses and provisionally Clark Creek and the entire Pine River in May of 2023. Read the Collaboration report here

Hazard mapping currently forms a part of the planning process and applications for building or conservation authority permits. Given the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events, it is crucial to establish and maintain precise flood hazard maps to ensure public safety, minimize property damage, and reduce business disruptions. The hazard maps generated through this program will aid in future decision-making for both the Conservation Authority and the Township of Huron-Kinloss.

Saugeen Conservation's Flood Hazard Mapping Frequently Asked Questions webpage can aid in navigating information about the FHIMP program. 

Future public consultation will be performed regarding updates to regulatory mapping, conducted by the SVCA Environmental Planning and Regulations department. The updates to regulatory mapping will include the best available information regarding all regulated natural hazards, this flood hazard mapping included.

Every property with a septic system in the Township is required to have their system inspected once in an eight-year cycle or every five years if you're within a Wellhead Protection Area. Learn more on our Septic Inspection Program page.

Sewage System Permits

If you're looking for information on new installations and/or repairs or replacement of existing sewage systems, please see the Sewage System section of our Permits, Inspections, and Fees page.

The Township, under an agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources, can enforce by-laws along the Huron-Kinloss lakeshore including: no motorized vehicles on the beach, no littering and no destruction of sand dunes.  We can also make sure that pet owners clean up after their pets. By-Laws are put in place to ensure the beach remains an enjoyable place for everyone to use but also ensures the nature environment is protected. 

The Lake Huron Shoreline Coastal Conservation Beach Management Best Practices Guide is a tool to assist residents and lakeshore property owners to understand the diverse beach dynamics of Lake Huron and to assist the Township in ensuring a strong and healthy shoreline for years to come.

Due to the increased water level of Lake Huron, lakefront property owners abutting the shore road allowance or marine road allowance are required to request permission from the Township and the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) to install, re-enforce and construct erosion protection within the shore road allowance or marine road allowance.

Shoreline Erosion Protection Application

Shoreline Protection By-Law No. 2021-67

Minister of Natural Resources

The Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990 provides legislation for the construction and management of many of the communal drainage systems in rural Ontario.

The Township is responsible for the management of the drainage systems located within the Huron-Kinloss boundaries. These drainage systems, often known as “municipal drains”, are vital to the community, roads and their surrounding lands. They reduce flooding, improve safety, reduce property damage and provide an outlet for surface and sub-surface waters.

If you own property within a defined watershed, you will be responsible to pay for the ongoing maintenance of the drain. The amount you have to pay for the maintenance is based directly on the amount of land you own. 

"So, What's a Municipal Drain"

Tile drainage

The Tile Loan Program is authorized by the Tile Drainage Act and is a partnership between municipalities and the province. Farmers who are planning to install a tile drainage system on their property may apply to their local municipality for a “tile loan”. Once the application is accepted, the farmer arranges to have the work completed by a licenced tile drainage contractor and the municipality then prepares a “debenture” for sale to the province in the amount of the loan or loans. The province then issues a cheque to the municipality who in turn passes it on to the farmer. The municipality collects the loan repayments from the farmer through their property taxes and passes these payments back to the province.

For further details on the Tile Drain Loan Program please visit the Tile Loan Program webpage. 

Energy efficiency and the wise use of energy low cost options for meeting energy demands, while providing many other environmental, economic and social benefits, including reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, cost avoidance and savings. The wise use of energy also promotes local economic development opportunities, energy system reliability, improved energy supply security and reduced price volatility.

The Township of Huron-Kinloss supports energy conservation and a strategic approach to managing the demand for energy to operate all of its facilities.

Ontario Regulation 397/11, Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plans, passed under the Green Energy Act requires municipalities to file an Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan. The plan outlines our conservation and demand management plan and a summary of the Municipality's energy consumption data. 

2024 Conservation Demand Management Plan 

Climate Change and Energy Action Plan 

The Township of Huron-Kinloss has now completed their Climate Change and Energy Action Plan. The preparation of this plan was carried out with assistance from the Government of Canada and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Project funding support provided by the Government of Ontario. The preparation of this Plan was also carried out with assistance from Ontario’s Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines and administered through the Municipal Energy Plan Program. 

Phragmites Australis

Also known as the Common Reed, this invasive plant goes to a height of 2 to 4 m annually and spreads rapidly by seeds or rhizome fragments. The Township of Huron-Kinloss obtained permission from the Ministry of Natural Resources to apply pesticide to this plant and now utilizes a application method of wicking as well as cutting.  It is hoped that this program will eradicate phragmites australis from our beaches.

Giant Hogweed

This flowering plant is most easily distinguished by it's "giant" size.  In the spring, usually up until about early May, plants are about 30cm in height and most easily dug up.  Under ideal conditions, the plant is known to grow up to 5.5 m high.  Often mistaken for others in the carrot family, the Giant Hogweed can cause dermatitus in humans. Ontario listed Giant Hogweed as a provincially noxious weed under the Weed Control Act. 

Giant Hogweed

Poison Ivy

The Poison Ivy plant is found in small pockets around the shores of Lake Huron and in some of our wooded areas. Care needs to be taken when attempting removal of this plant. 

Emerald Ash Borer

While not an invasive plant, the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is extremely destructive.  This invasive exotic beetle comes from China and other parts of Asia.  Visual surveys can find EAB infestations but by the time the signs or symptoms can be seen, the insect has usually been in the trees for three to four years. 

Emerald Ash Borer

Contact the Invasive Species Hotline at 1-800-563-7711 or the Ontario Invasive Species Invasive Species Program.

Source Water Protection Plans are a resource planning process that endeavors to keep the sources of drinking water safe and usable.  The Clean Water Act, 2006 required all watersheds to develop Source Protection Plans. 

The Township of Huron-Kinloss has two watersheds within its borders: Saugeen, Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula Source Protection Region and the Ausable, Bayfield, Maitland Valley Source Protection Region.

Saugeen, Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula Region Source Protection Plan

Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Plan

Check out this video from Ausable Bayfield Source Water Protection Team:

The Pine River Water Quality Monitoring program is a surface water quality sampling program. The purpose of this program is to develop a data base of information about water quality in the Township and to track changes over time. 

Sampling is conducted monthly for E. coli, phosphorus and nitrates at 33 sites.

Data is collected every two weeks from April until November. The monthly water monitoring reports are on the Committee of the Whole agendas. For additional reports contact the office at 519-395-3735.

To view Water Quality Monitoring Reports please visit our Water, Wastewater & Utilities webpage.

The purpose of the Tree Preservation By-Law is to control the injuring or destruction of trees in an area of the lakeshore defined as the “bluff”. The “Bluff" is the sloped area that is comprised of the old Algonquin shoreline and runs parallel to the Lake Huron shoreline between the North and South boundaries of the Township.

Tree preservation goals:

  • Protect vegetation in the Lakeshore Urban Area along the bluff for the purpose of habitat protection, water quality, aesthetics, and a buffer zone;
  • Retention of tree cover in the lakeshore area;
  • Minimizing the destruction or injuring of trees;
  • Regulating and controlling the removal, maintenance and protection of trees;
  • Protecting, promoting and enhancing the aesthetic values of land;
  • Sustaining a healthy natural environment;
  • Prevent soil erosion and water run-off;
  • Protecting significant and sensitive natural areas to ensure maximum environmental benefits of trees in both urban and rural settings; 
  • Contributing to human health and quality of life through the maintenance of tree cover and woodlots;
  • Protecting woodlots that are less than 1 hectare in size and not under the jurisdiction of the County of Bruce Forest Conservation By-Law. 

Tree Preservation Map

Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation

The Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation is a grassroots organization formed to protect and restore the Lake Huron shoreline environment. The Township of Huron-Kinloss is proud to support the work they do to protect our beautiful great lake.

Pine River Watershed Initiative

The Pine River Watershed Initiative (PRWIN) is a local organization that formed over concerns with the watershed of the Pine River which runs into Lake Huron at Point Clark. This group of volunteers are active in finding concrete solutions to improve the watershed..

Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Cities Initiative

The Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Cities Initiative is a unique coalition of Canadian and US mayors concerned about the state of the Great Lakes. Communities of all sizes are welcome to join to exchange best practices and lessons learned.

Conservation Authorities

The Township of Huron-Kinloss is in the watershed of the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority and the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority The conservation authorities promote the conservation of our wildlife habitat and the species that are found within it. They also provide weather advisories for the area particularly important at the time of spring run-off. The conservation authorities are a part of the building process if you are contemplating doing any work in an area zoned environmentally protected.

Drinking Water Source Protection

Source Water Protection Plans are a resource planning process that endeavors to keep the sources of drinking water safe and usable. The Clean Water Act, 2006 requires all watersheds to develop Source Water Protection Plans. These plans include policies to reduce the risk of contamination and overuse of local drinking water sources.

Learn how you can do your part to preserve the environment for future generations:

Contact Us

Township of Huron-Kinloss
21 Queen Street
P.O. Box 130
Ripley ON, N0G 2R0

Phone: 519-395-3735
Fax : 519-395-4107

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