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Public Works maintains, and is working to improve, approximately 396 km of roadway: 196 km asphalt surfaces, 169 km gravel, and 31 km tar & chip as well as the 104 bridges/structures and 11.8km of sidewalk. Operations include plowing, grading, patching, ditching, brushing, sweeping, maintenance of storm sewers, catch basins, and culverts, pavement markings, road signs, guide rails, roadside mowing, and bridge and culvert maintenance. 

For specific information on common road questions, see below.  


We have an "Adopt-A-Highway" program to help keep our environment cleaner and more beautiful. If you or your group would like to adopt a road and be responsible for litter pick up, please read the Adopt-A-Highway Policy and fill out the Adopt-A-Highway form or pick one up at the Municipal Office to fill out in person.

Construction and Existing Driveways

When a road construction project happens on your road, and part or all a driveway entrance on the Township road allowance needs to be removed, the driveway entrance will be restored as per the Entrance Ways Policy

New Driveways/Entrances

If you are constructing a new driveway, or want to make changes to an existing one, all construction must follow the guidelines in the Entrance Ways Policy.
We consider the safety of the public, the amount of traffic, keeping the road in good condition for as long as possible, and keeping costs down when deciding to give legal access for new entrances or changes to existing entrances. 
To apply for a new Entrance Way on your property, please complete the attached form. 

Please allow 15 business days for your application to be reviewed. Pending successful review, you will be notified and a fee will be required. Current fees can be found on our website under By-laws/Consolidated Rates and Fees. After completion of the approved entrance, the Applicant is required to contact the Director of Public Works for final inspection. 

No Road Cuts

Road cuts of surface treated and hard topped municipal roads are not allowed for putting in Dry Culverts or other private works.

If you have any other questions, please contact the Public Works Department. 

All mailboxes located along road allowances are considered to be permissible encroachments and are the sole responsibility of the mailbox owner.

The Township will not be financially responsible for damages to a mailbox when performing normal daily maintenance operations ie. snow and ice pushed/thrown from the plow. As per By-law 2012-115, the Township will make every effort not to make direct contact when performing maintenance activities near mailboxes. Any restitution for possible contact will be made on a case by case basis. 

Some suggestions to minimize damage include:

  • selecting a more durable material such as metal
  • selecting an alternative style such as one that swings freely
  • setting the box back from the road as much as possible
  • and putting the post several feet into the ground to anchor it.   

If you want further information on the Township bylaw you will find it on under Mailbox Policy. For information on Canada Post guidelines on rural mailboxes see Canada Post Regulations

Huron-Kinloss owns and maintains 169 km of gravel roads. Included in the regular maintenance operation for these roads each year is:

  • Grading in Spring and Fall
  • Dust control applied between mid-May and late June

Re-surfacing/re-gravelling is scheduled on a rotating basis depending on the condition of the road and the volume of traffic. All maintenance is weather dependent. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Public Works department. 


Dust control is put on gravel roads each spring between mid-May and late June, and timing depends on availability and weather.

Civic addressing means your house number in urban areas or 9-1-1 number in rural areas, and it links your property number to the road and municipality that it is in so emergency services can find it if needed. Please display your civic address so it is easy to read from the road.

Rural properties are given a green 9-1-1 sign. If you require a sign due to damage, loss, or new construction, please contact the Public Works Department at 519-395-3735.

Urban properties can purchase a green 9-1-1 sign (includes post) for a fee. Please contact office for pricing.

Half Load Limits

The Township of Huron-Kinloss restricts load limits on all municipally owned roads from March 1st - April 30th annually. This action is to protect the investment and minimize Township expenditures on road maintenance during the spring thaw. It is an offence to contravene this condition provided to the municipality by Section 122 of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. 

A half load is considered to be 5 tonnes/axle (or 5000kg or 11,023 lbs). 

Any questions regarding this restriction should be directed to the Public Works Department. 

No Steel Wheels

Steel Wheeled Vehicles are not permitted on any roadways as per Section 69. (1) of the Highway Traffic Act. This applies to all roadways regardless of whether they have a paved or gravel surface due to the damage it causes and expense to repair. 

If you are aware of the use of steel wheel vehicles travelling on Township roadways (regardless of the surface type), please contact the Township Office so we can investigate. 

No Road Cuts

Road cuts of surface treated and hard topped municipal roads are not allowed for putting in Dry Culverts or other private works.

Public Works maintains 11.8km of sidewalks in Lucknow, Ripley, and Whitechurch. This includes marking hazards, repairs, and plowing.

Please note, there are some sections of sidewalk that are not maintained/plowed in the winter. These sidewalks are

closed for pedestrian use during the winter months.

These include sections on the following streets. Click on the links to see the maps.


Significant Weather Event

What is a Significant Weather Event?

A Significant Weather Event means an approaching or occurring hazard which has the potential to pose a significant danger to users of the Township’s roadways, sidewalks and/or parking lots.  This may include:

  • A large accumulation of snow in a 24 hour period,
  • Ice formation that occurs with no warning,
  • High winds leading to large snow drifts, and or
  • Cold temperatures at which de-icing operations will not be effective

If a Significant Weather Event is declared, please take extra caution while travelling.

The Township of Huron-Kinloss will declare a Significant Weather Event in accordance with Ontario Regulation 366/18. Once declared, all road and sidewalks maintained by the Township will be in a “state of repair” until the notice has been ended. This declaration is not a notice of a reduced level of service or road closure. It is to notify drivers and pedestrians to use an appropriate level of caution when travelling during this event. Township staff will continue to work diligently to ensure public safety while trying to keep up with conditions. Your patience and co-operation is appreciated.

Huron-Kinloss will notify the public that a significant weather event has started or ended in the following ways:

  • Alert Banner on the Huron-Kinloss website
  • Facebook
  • A communication will be sent to local Radio media

You can stay in the know about Significant Weather Events by subscribing to the news alerts on the Township website, following our Facebook page.


The purpose of a roadside ditch is the control of surface drainage from the road. Before making any changes to roadside ditches, please contact the Director of Public Works at 519-395-3735.

The Public Works Department appreciates your help in reporting streetlights that are not working or need repair. To report street light outages, please report a problem using our online portal or call 519-395-3735.

To request a new streetlight be put up in your area, please contact the Public Works Department at 519-395-3735.

The Township maintains regulatory and street name signage. We appreciate your help in reporting damaged or missing signs using our online Report a Problem system or by calling 519-395-3735.

Snow Removal

Public Works staff work hard regularly monitoring weather and road conditions and removing snow from municipal roadways in a safe and timely manner. You can help with efficient snow removal by following these reminders:

  • No parking on municipal roads between 1:00 AM and 6:00AM from November 1st to April 30th.  
  • Do not place snow or ice from sidewalks or driveways on the street as per the Highway Traffic Act and Township By-Law piling snow by-law.
  • Do not place snow or ice in front of a fire hydrant.
  • Do not place hockey nets or basketball nets on the roadway or sidewalks.
  • Be patient. Snowplows will clear the streets of snow as soon as possible.
  • Clear snow and ice from sewer grates and culverts to help prevent flooding.

The Public Works Department will follow Ontario Regulation 239/02,  Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways. As per these regulations snow removal will not occur between 6:00 PM and 5:00 AM unless there is an emergency. 

Non-Winter Maintained Roads

Please note some of our roads are not maintained/plowed in the winter. These roads are

closed for vehicle use during the winter months.

See list below or click on this Huron-Kinloss Map for details:

  • South Baseline (south of Con 2 to north of Con 4)
  • Concession 6 (east of Lake Range)
  • Baseline
  • North Baseline (north of Con 10)
  • Saratoga (west of Highway 21)
  • Sideroad 30
  • Sideroad 25 (Bruce Rd 86 to Bruce Rd 6)
  • Sideroad 20 (Con 2 to Con 4 and Con 6 to Con 12)
  • Sideroad 10 (south of Con 6 and north of Bruce Rd 6)
  • Sideroad 5 (south of Con 6, north of Bruce Rd 6, north of Con 12)
  • Button St, Burt St, Bushell St (north of Hayes Lake Ave)
  • Southline Ave (east of Bushell St)
  • Lockhart St
  • Paradise Lake (north of Grey Ox Ave)
  • Walker's Line

Contact Us

Township of Huron-Kinloss
21 Queen Street
P.O. Box 130
Ripley ON, N0G 2R0

Phone: 519-395-3735
Fax : 519-395-4107

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