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Parks Renewal and Redevelopment Strategy

We are excited to announce a major initiative to renew and redevelop the parks in Huron-Kinloss, and we need your help to make it a success!

Our parks are important spaces where families, friends, and neighbors come together to enjoy the outdoors, play sports, walk their dogs, explore nature, and relax. We want to make these parks even better by creating a Park Renewal and Redevelopment Strategy, and your input is crucial.

What is the Parks Renewal and Redevelopment Strategy?

This strategy is our plan to improve and enhance the parks in Huron-Kinloss. We aim to create spaces that meet the needs and desires of our community today and in the future. Our goals include:

  • Listening to You: We want to hear your ideas and suggestions. What do you love about our parks? What could be better? Your feedback will help shape the future of these spaces.
  • Making Smart Choices: We will ensure that the changes we make are cost-effective and beneficial for everyone in our community.
  • Keeping Our Parks Accessible: We aim to maintain open and welcoming parks for all to enjoy.
  • Protecting Our Views and Nature: We will preserve the beautiful views and natural areas that make our parks special.
  • Going Green: We support green technologies and practices that keep our parks environmentally friendly.
Seniors on a bridge

What parks projects are included in this strategy?

Did you know the Township of Huron-Kinloss maintains 18 parks and 8 trails? 

In these parks, we maintain 6 Tennis/Pickleball Courts plus additional pickleball courts in the Point Clark Community Centre parking lot; 5 basketball courts, 1 splash pad; 4 baseball diamonds, 1 soccer field complex; 14 playground structures, 1 skateboard park and 1 dog park. 

Parks and trails are reviewed and updated through the capital planning process on a 10 year cycle. The Parks Renewal and Redevelopment Strategy is an action from the 2022 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The strategy will take a closer look at the current state of our parks and trails (ie. accessibility, playability, amenities, size and population base) and make recommendations to ensure they are meeting the needs of our residents.

The strategy will also determine if any new amenities are required, including;

  • a dog park in Lucknow and/or Ripley,
  • designated pickleball courts; and,
  • new or expanded trails throughout the Township. 
Mom pushing baby in a swing
Blue Park in Point Clark

Join Us in Renewing Our Parks!

How Can You Get Involved?

We are hosting an online survey and community open houses where you can share your thoughts and ideas. This is your chance to have a direct impact on how our parks will look and feel in the future.

  • Online Survey: Share your opinions from the comfort of your home. It only takes a few minutes, and your input will be invaluable.
  • Community Open Houses: Join us in person to discuss ideas, see concept plans, and talk directly with the project team. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors and get involved in the community.

More information about engagement opportunities will be available here:

Why Should You Participate?

  • Shape Your Community: Your input will help create parks that everyone can enjoy.
  • Be Heard: This is your chance to make sure your voice is heard in decisions that affect your community.
  • Make a Difference: Contributing to this project means you are helping to build a better, more enjoyable, and sustainable environment for everyone.

Let’s work together to create parks that reflect the spirit and needs of Huron-Kinloss. Your participation is the key to making this project a success. Join us in shaping the future of our parks!

Take the survey today and attend an open house to share your ideas. Together, we can make our parks the best they can be!


Lions Park in Point Clark
Victoria Park in Lucknow
Lewis Park in Ripley


If you have questions about the Parks Redevelopment Strategy please contact Mike Fair, Director of Community Services at or 519-395-2909.

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