Council Highlights February 21st, 2025
The Township of Huron-Kinloss Council meeting was held in Council Chambers at 21 Queen Street in Ripley at 9:00 a.m. Highlights from the meeting include:
Budget Engagement Results
The Treasurer presented results of the 2025 budget engagement survey, aimed to help guide the development of the annual budget and ensure our programs and services continue to meet the needs of the community. Some highlights include:
- The responses continue to represent a fairly even split between those who agree versus those who disagree that the services received for their tax dollars represent good value.
- Most respondents understand what their taxes pay for and use the municipal website as their main source of information.
- The majority of respondents want to see service levels maintained across all categories. The highest support for increasing service levels was in transportation and the highest support for decreasing levels of service was in the category of General Government.
- The majority of respondents believe in the importance of saving for future infrastructure needs and own a primary residence in Huron-Kinloss.
- Lakeshore residents over 60 were the most engaged in the survey. Many want to learn more about the budget process, mainly through the municipal website, but nearly half also mentioned the H-K Connects newsletter.
- While most respondents haven’t read the Asset Management Plan, they agree that maintaining safe roads, bridges, and drinking water is and important investment.
Budget Meeting
The Township has developed a digital budget booklet for the 2025 budget. The full digital Huron-Kinloss Budget Book 2025 can be accessed by using this link: Questica OpenBook
At the end of the meeting, Council approved a motion that the budget come forward, as presented, with a 4.75-per-cent tax-rate increase, for approval at the March Council meeting.
Upcoming Meetings
The next Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 3rd, 2025. This meeting will be held in Council Chambers at the Municipal Office, 21 Queen Street in Ripley.
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Township of Huron-Kinloss
21 Queen Street
P.O. Box 130
Ripley ON, N0G 2R0
Phone: 519-395-3735
Fax : 519-395-4107
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