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Council Highlights January 13th, 2025

The Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole and Council meetings were held in Council Chambers at 21 Queen Street in Ripley beginning at 10:00 a.m. The highlights from both meetings include:

Indoor Turf Field Proposal

Council received a report and detailed delegation presentation regarding a proposed indoor turf facility at Kin-Bruce Park. The proposal, presented by a private proponent, outlines a public-private partnership to construct a state-of-the-art sports dome on a portion of the 5.3-acre park property at 920 Lake Range Drive. The proposed facility would feature two soccer fields (dual-lined for baseball), pickleball courts, batting cages, and upgraded park amenities.

The proponent’s business case highlighted regional demand for such a facility, with demonstrated commitments from local sports organizations for over 90% of available prime-time usage from October to May. The $6 million project would include a 77,000-square-foot sports dome and a 4,000-square-foot brick reception building. It aims to serve a catchment population within 45 minutes of Huron-Kinloss, addressing a current lack of comparable facilities in the region.

The proposal emphasizes financial sustainability, with projected net-positive operating revenues at 60% utilization. Benefits to the Township noted in the proposal include increased lease revenue, property tax generation, and upgraded park amenities, all at no cost to the Township. Staff highlighted key considerations for Council, including compliance with the Municipal Act, fair market lease terms, and addressing zoning, drainage, and traffic concerns in the agreement.

Council directed staff to evaluate and report back the feasibility of developing a long-term lease agreement, recognizing the potential for this project to enhance recreational opportunities and meet regional demand.

2025 Fire Protection Grant

Council received a report from the Fire Chief that included the Township’s successful application to the Fire Protection (FP) Grant program, which was announced in the government’s 2024 Budget. The program helps municipal fire departments improve firefighter health and safety by supporting cancer prevention efforts and small infrastructure upgrades. Funding is available for projects like new equipment and supplies, personal protective gear, and minor facility improvements, including better internet connectivity.

The Township’s fire stations will receive $16,460 through the grant. This funding will go toward enhancing cancer prevention programs to better protect firefighters, highlighting the Township’s commitment to their safety and well-being.

Ripley Medical Centre Complete

The Director of Community Services presented a report to Council celebrating the completion of the Ripley Medical and Childcare Centre renovations. Originally budgeted at $766,000, the work was completed for just over $600,000, with only minor landscaping and brickwork remaining, estimated to cost $5,000. This final work will be completed by local contractors and staff in April 2025.

The upgraded facility provides expanded licensed childcare services, operated by the YMCA of Owen Sound Grey-Bruce. Open since September 4th, 2024, the childcare centre accommodates 15 toddlers and 24 preschoolers, up from 10 toddlers and 16 preschoolers, with a bright and spacious new layout.

In addition, the medical centre is now fully operational, welcoming Dr. Jason Murray, who will see patients on Fridays, and the Kincardine Family Health Team (KFHT), which offers an Unattached Patient Clinic on Mondays and Thursdays. Weekly visits from midwives, occupational therapists, dietitians, kinesiologists, and registered nurses further expand the facility’s health services. Please note that services are available by appointment only, with no walk-in or same-day options. For more information about the KFHT services, please visit

The renovations were made possible through contributions from the NWMO Near-Term Investment Fund, the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Childcare Start-up Grant, Miller Insurance, and the Community Well-Being Reserve Fund.

Climate Action Working Group

Council received an update on the Climate Change and Energy Plan (CCEP) and the outcomes of the 2024 Climate Action Working Group meeting, which focused on advancing adaptation efforts across Huron-Kinloss. The meeting, supported by the Ontario Resource Centre for Climate Adaptation (ORCCA), brought together the Mayor, 14 staff members, and a conservation authority collaborator to evaluate progress and prioritize future actions.

Participants reviewed action items grouped into themes: Built Environment, Socio-Economic, and Natural Environment. Through collaborative discussions, they assessed progress, identified "quick wins," and prioritized major projects. Notable quick wins for 2025 include creating protocols for power outages, promoting household emergency kits, expanding tree planting and cooling strategies, developing an invasive species response strategy, and supporting agricultural adaptation to climate risks. Major projects include implementing warming and cooling centers, encouraging green infrastructure in developments, improving flood-prone riverbanks, enhancing winter pedestrian safety, and incorporating climate considerations into the Township's Official Plan.

The meeting concluded with a site tour of the Bruce Beach drain and Heritage Park, highlighting current resilience efforts and opportunities for future improvements. Moving forward, the Township will focus on developing Standard Operating Procedures, leveraging partnerships, and enhancing communication to drive climate action. This update underscores the Township's ongoing commitment to addressing climate change impacts and building a resilient community.

Golf Car Pilot Program

Council received an update on the Golf Car Pilot Project, which began in 2021 and is regulated under Ontario Regulation 407/21. Now in its fourth year, the program saw 124 golf cars registered in 2024, including 37 new registrations and 87 renewals. For 2025, the registration fee has increased from $50 to $60 per year.

Participants receive a decal, validation sticker, and informational materials outlining rules, regulations, and FAQs. Golf cars are permitted on roads from April 1 to November 30 each year, and registration is renewed annually. Renewal letters for 2025 will be issued in February, with ongoing public education provided through the Township’s website, newsletters, social media, and South Bruce O.P.P. safety initiatives.

Comments from the public on the program included concerns about safety on Boiler Beach Road, cars without permits, unlicensed youth drivers, and unsafe practices such as alcohol consumption, exceeding passenger limits, and not yielding to pedestrians. These comments, along with registration data, will be submitted to the Ministry of Transportation by March 1, 2025, to assist in evaluating the pilot project and considering potential amendments.

Upcoming Meetings

The next Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole meeting is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. and Council meeting is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on February 3rd, 2025. These daytime meetings will be held in Council Chambers at the Municipal Office, 21 Queen Street in Ripley.

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Township of Huron-Kinloss
21 Queen Street
P.O. Box 130
Ripley ON, N0G 2R0

Phone: 519-395-3735
Fax : 519-395-4107

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