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Council Highlights July 3rd, 2023

The Township of Huron-Kinloss Committee of the Whole meeting was held in Council Chambers at 21 Queen Street in Ripley at 7:00 p.m.

Highlights from the meeting include:

Natural Gas Conversions

Natural Gas lines have arrived earlier than expected in Point Clark and Ripley in the last year. Staff presented a report to Council reviewing the current age of equipment and need for replacement. Staff recommends the following replacements and conversions:

  • The Point Clark Community Centre - converting the upstairs furnace (8 years old) and replacing the downstairs furnace (23 years old) for a total cost of $8,770
  • Converting the Ripley Medical Centre furnace (10 years old) from propane to natural gas $1,890
  • Replacing the Ripley Library furnace with a natural gas furnace for $5,100

2023-2033 Strategic Plan and Special Meeting of Council

The goal of the Strategic Plan for the Township of Huron-Kinloss is to identify what is important to Council, Staff, and the Community. The plan includes a vision for the community asking, “where do we want to be?” and an action plan to answer the question “how are we going to get there?”.

The consultation plan portion of the strategic plan includes many opportunities to get involved in the strategic planning process, including community workshops, a public survey, school sessions and public events. Please visit Have Your Say HK to learn more and get involved.

A Special Meeting of Council is being held on Monday, July 10th at 2:30 p.m. to permit Council participation in a Strategic Planning Workshop with Senior Staff. The agenda can be viewed at Community Calendar - Township of Huron Kinloss and is open to the public for in-person viewing.

Procedural By-law Training

Ever wonder how items are added to the agenda? Have a look at the Procedural By-Law Training report which provided training to members of Council relating to the Township’s Procedural By-law and the agenda process.

Strategic Initiatives Updates

The Manager of Strategic Initiatives presented a report Council with many updates regarding the Women in Construction program, the Ripley Food Art and Craft Festival, the Ripley Medical Centre and more. Have a read!

Upcoming Meetings

A Special Meeting of Council is scheduled for Monday, July 10th at 2:30 p.m. in Council Chambers as part of the Strategic Planning Workshop with Senior Staff. The next Township of Huron-Kinloss Council Planning meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on July 17th, 2023. Both meetings will be held in Council Chambers at the Municipal Office, 21 Queen Street in Ripley.

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Township of Huron-Kinloss
21 Queen Street
P.O. Box 130
Ripley ON, N0G 2R0

Phone: 519-395-3735
Fax : 519-395-4107

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