Planning and Development
Development in Huron-Kinloss is guided by the Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement, the County Official Plan and the Township's Official Plans and Zoning By-laws. The Building & Planning Department works in partnership with the CAO's Department and Bruce County Planning to support development in the Township.
The Bruce County Planning Department carries out planning activities for the Township of Huron-Kinloss.
Community Improvement Plans and Incentive Programs
Community Improvement Plans (CIPs) are a sustainable community planning tool used by municipalities to revitalize areas of a community through programs, grants and incentives. CIPs also:
- address the reuse and restoration of lands, buildings and infrastructure
- address growth management challenges plan for rehabilitation, development and land-use change
The Township recognizes the value of community improvement planning initiatives and identifies opportunities for future work. Under the Planning Act, Community Improvement Plans (CIPs) can be undertaken for environmental, social or economic development reasons.
Current Community Improvement Plans
The Township's Community Improvement Plan identifies the current programs available to business owners, the CIP approved areas in the communities of Lucknow, Point Clark and Ripley, and the goals of the plan.
Development Charges
A growing community requires investment in infrastructure to service new development. Development charges are fees that are paid by new development to fund the capital cost of services constructed throughout the municipality. Development charges play an important part in how growth infrastructure is financed in Huron-Kinloss. Development charges ensure that new growth contributes its fair share, alleviating the burden on existing taxpayers.
A Development Charges Background Study has been completed. The Township of Huron-Kinloss has passed a Development Charges By-Law. This by-law sets out the development charge rates for various areas from 2024-2034.
Financial Incentive Programs
As part of our Community Improvement Plans, the Township of Huron-Kinloss also provides financial incentives for development or redevelopment of certain properties or areas. Incentives may include grants, loans, rebate programs and more.
Business Grants and Funding Opportunities
The Official Plan
The Official Plan is the municipality's vision for how a community will develop and describes what uses are best suited to which area. It contains Township Council's objectives and policies to guide the short-term and long-term physical development of all lands within the boundary of the municipality.
Township of Huron-Kinloss Official Plan
The Zoning By-law
A zoning by-law controls the use of land in your community. It states exactly:
- how land may be used
- where buildings and other structures can be located
- the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used
- the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements,
- Building heights and setbacks from the street.
An official plan sets out your municipality's general policies for future land use. Zoning by-laws put the plan into effect and provide for its day-to-day administration. They contain specific requirements that are legally enforceable.
Contact Us
Township of Huron-Kinloss
21 Queen Street
P.O. Box 130
Ripley ON, N0G 2R0
Phone: 519-395-3735
Fax : 519-395-4107
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