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Official Plan

The Township of Huron Kinloss Official Plan is the Township's land use planning and policy document. Its purpose is to establish land use designations and policies for the development and redevelopment of the Township having regard to social, economic and environmental matters.

Township of Huron-Kinloss Official Plan

Official Plans are regulated by Section 17 of the Ontario Planning Act. Official Plan policies are adopted by Council to define goals, objectives and directions for the growth and development of the Township. It provides the framework for municipal regulations including zoning bylaws, site plan approval and the subdivision of land.

The Official Plan contains maps which designate land uses and which help guide municipal decisions on public facilities and services such as transportation, roads, parks and infrastructure. It also encourages the preservation of lands, buildings or structures having environmental, historic or architectural value.

The Official Plan only includes lands within the settlement areas.  All lands outside of the settlement areas are governed by the Bruce County Official Plan. The settlement areas within the Township include Lucknow, Ripley, Lakeshore, Amberley, Holyrood, Kinloss, Kinlough, Pine River and Whitechurch.

The Township of Huron-Kinloss has delegated to the County of Bruce the following authorities, responsibilities, duties and functions of a planning nature under the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990 and amendments thereto:

  1. the responsibility for the processing review, reporting and recommending upon Official Plan and Zoning By-law applications under Section 17 and 34 of The Planning Act; and providing the Council of the Township of Huron-Kinloss with recommendations on such applications;
  2. the responsibility for processing, review, reporting and recommending upon matters to the Committee of Adjustment pursuant to Section (44) and (45) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, and amendments thereto.

The County has a prescribed tariff of fees for the processing of applications. Fees are payable at the time of the application.

Please contact the County of Bruce Planning department at 519-881-1782 to be begin the planning application process.

The County of Bruce Planning Department provide recommendations to Council on applications to amend the Official Plan, and the Zoning By-Law and on applications to subdivide land or to approve site plans for individual parcels of land. 

Council meetings regarding Planning Applications and the Committee of Adjustment meetings are held on the second Monday of the month providing there are applications to be heard. Meetings can be found on the municipal calendar.

While the Official Plan is intended to establish policies for long-term growth, the Plan is periodically reviewed to ensure that it continues to meet the changing economic, social and environmental needs of the municipality and occasionally it is necessary to amend the policies and/or designations in the Official Plan to facilitate new development or redevelopment proposals.

To enquire about the Township of Huron Kinloss Official Plan, amendments or applications, please contact the County of Bruce Planning department at 519-881-1782.

A land severance, also referred to as a consent, is the authorized separation of a piece of land to form two new properties. Consent to sever is required if a portion of land is to be sold, mortgaged, charged or is to form part of an agreement lasting more than 21 years. In addition to the division of land, the registration of rights-of-way, easements and any changes to existing property boundaries requires consent approval.

Land severance approval is required to ensure that:

  • consents are considered within an established community planning framework
  • new lots and new land uses do not conflict with the overall planning goals and policies of existing communities, and
  • consideration is given to the effect of the division of land on the site, on the neighbouring lands, and on the community as a whole.

To inquire about minor variances or land severance, please contact the County of Bruce Planning Department at 519-881-1782.

The Township of Huron Kinloss Zoning Bylaw, as amended, provides regulations for the use of land and construction of buildings. It is difficult for By-law provisions to take into account all circumstances such as lot size, lot shapes or yard setbacks, that may affect the development of a particular property. In such cases, the property owner may apply to the Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance to the Zoning By-law.

The Committee of Adjustment is a Council-appointed committee regulated by Section 45 of the Ontario Planning Act. All members of Council comprise the Committee of Adjustment. The Committee of Adjustment will review the site specific circumstances regarding each application and then considers the following questions concerning an application before reaching a decision:

  • Is the variance minor in nature?
  • Is the general intent and purposes of the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw maintained?
  • Is it desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure?

To inquire about minor variances or land severance, please contact the County of Bruce Planning Department at 519-881-1782

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